Picture: North South Books
from Baptiste Paul & Miranda Paul
with Illustrations from Esteli Meza
40 pages
first published 2021
ISBN: 978-0-7358-4449-0
North South Books
$ 18.95 US / $ 23.95 CAD
An Charming look at the wonderful diversity that makes our lives so colourful
with wise words and such lovely mexican folk-art style Illustrations
for kids from 3 years +

Peace is not only a great word that we often use in relation to world peace. Peace begins in the very small. Starts with us, with each individual in our dealings with our fellow human beings, with friends and family. Peace in the small can make a big difference.
Peace does not just mean getting along, peace is so much more. Peace gives security, peace gives peace, gives happiness and satisfaction.
Peace begins where we greet our counterpart with a smile. Just say "Hello" and show the other, I have noticed you, I see you, I am interested in you.
Peace can also convey a sense of strength that makes you brave. Brave makes the world discover, make friends. When I ask someone his name, call him by his name and i am interested in pronouncing the name correctly.
"Peace comes from giving much more than from taking."
Peace is so much. It is peaceful living together. It's the size to get along when you're arguing, it's to take the others as they are. It's the concern for others and everything around us. They care for animals and nature as well as for our fellow human beings. Peace can be felt and lived and there is peace.
We experience all this and much, much more in this wonderful picture book by Baptiste & Miranda Paul, which becomes a very special book thanks to the warm, colourful pictures of Esteli Meza. A book that makes us feel peace, that makes us conscious in what a beautiful, colorful, diverse world we live in.
It shows how to live together without strife. It shows how to make a lot of difference with seemingly small deeds.
Esteli Meza's drawings with the typical Mexican play of colours and illustration style radiate so much peace, so much togetherness and joie de vivre that makes you warm when you look at it. The children can completely get lost in the pictures, see what other children are doing, how they deal with each other and have fun. The book also provides them with role models and inspiration and encourages them. courage to discover the world in its diversity and diversity. It shows that you can achieve a lot with each other no matter what skin color or handicap one has.A colorful world full of diversity is a beautiful world. A world that makes us happy when we do our part.
This coexistence can be found in every drawing. The children experience it particularly intensely on the last pages, which open up a panoramic picture, in which there is much to discover and experience.
It is a special experience to immerse yourself in this world of images, which allows us to look at the whole and yet there is room to look at each individual situation that is depicted there intensively individually.
With young children you can talk about what they see, how they experience the situations. With slightly larger children you can get into a more intensive conversation. What do the scenes have to do with peace? How do the children experience these little stories that the picture world tells......?
An afterword by the author couple makes it clear how important peace is. Peace among people does not only influence coexistence. "Peace also has consequences for nature and animals.".. explain it to us and carry it out very vividly. With children from the age of 5, you should definitely read the afterword and then talk to them about it. It is especially beautiful that they have designed the book in such a way that some animals that can be found in the drawings are also symbolic animals for peace. And they explain the impact of war on wildlife. This is an aspect that is usually completely ignored in all the reporting and reflections on wars.
With pre- and primary school children you can start a wonderful project in which you can take a closer look at where war zones are or were and which animals live/lived there. Baptiste & Miranda Paul provide some information that can be taken up wonderfully to continue your research.
This book is just impressive. Impressive from the story, from the insanely great illustrations, from the possibilities to experience and feel peace and to think about it and impressive because of the inspiration it provides.
This picture book should really not be missing in any institution with children and no library. It would be nice if it could also find a home in many families.
Informations from th Publisher North South Books:
From a hello and pronouncing your friend’s name correctly to giving more than you take and saying I’m sorry, this simple concept book explores definitions of peace and actions small and big that foster it.
Award-winning authors, Baptiste Paul and Miranda Paul, have teamed up with illustrator Estelí Meza—winner of the ‘A la Orilla del Viento’ the premier Picture Book Contest Award in Mexico—to create an inspiring look at things we can all do to bring peace into our lives and world.
Check out our Teacher Resource Guide and a fun coloring page under Teacher’s Resources on the left."
Picture pices from the video NorthSouthBooks interview
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